Thursday the 28th

I stole this picture from Robyn, but I'm pretty sure she won't mind. I love it. Its from one of the last weekends in St Petersburg when we stayed out all night to watch the bridges go up. It was beautiful.
Things here are...going. Everyone's been upset and on edge since a Grinnell student went missing since Sunday. They had over 400 people searching yesterday. They've gone over the entire campus three times and are now doing helicopter and foot searches of the surrounding areas. He was despondent before he went missing so you can't help but assume the worst.
With Daren's help, I finally bought my fall break tickets. The itinerary is something like this: Des Moines => San Francisco => Portland => San Francisco => Nevada => San Francisco => Des Moines. I think my family is incapable of planning uncomplicated vacations. It should be so much fun though.
We're going to see Little Miss Sunshine tonight.
So I'm hesistant to say much in case it jinxes something, but...the Russian Dept is supposed to be buying me a ticket to Moscow in the next three or four days. More on that later : p
I hate my psychology class even more than I thought I would, which is saying a lot. I think of the field as...nothing, sprinkled with acronyms, speculations, and touchy-feely bullshit. I'm surprised by how many intelligent, reasonable people I know who are psych majors. Anyways, the professor I have is definitely not helping. If she brings in candy one more day or reminds us that psychology starts with "p" instead of "s" one more time, I'm going to lose my mind.
I especially like the => Nevada part of the itinerary!! See you soon.
A. Margie
Regarding the psychology comment...I think I know who the professor is, and I'm sorry. That is not what psychology is all about. There are fields of psych, though, that I think are silly. I'm more into neuro- and physio-psychology, which is more based in science...although all psychology has research backing it up.
Anyway...great news about Moscow! Too bad I can't join you guys out in Portland, though!
Take care, and I hope that things turn out for the best back in Grinnell.
Thanks for the comment Kristin. Yeah, I definitely believe that there are worthwhile and very intellectually demanding parts of Psych. I don't mean to speak badly of a field that obviously you have a lot of respect for! Personally I find the language-learning aspects of it interesting.
One of these days I really want to visit you in DC : )
Much Love!
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