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Location: San Francisco, CA

Sunday, January 15, 2006


Bachelet just won the second round with 53.5 %! Chile now has a SOCIALIST WOMAN PRESIDENT! I think she has the potential to be an excellent president for Chile and I'm excited and hopeful to see how she'll pull through. It may be presumptious to have strong political views in a country that's not your own (having spent just a semester in Chile I can't claim to know or argue the issues very well) but from what I've seen, I believe that Bachelet will be a great leader for the left in Latin America!!!
(Read about it)
(Pictures from the election)

I just found out the news a few hours ago. Other than this, its been a quiet homey weekend. Its been really cold out and I've spent hours upon hours sitting by the fire reading or playing with the cats or just thinking. My dad and I went to the UC Berkeley Botanical Garden this morning and had a great time walking around in the cold looking at plants and taking pictures. Another highlight of the weekend was an amazing Czech movie called Zelary...I would highly recommend it.

Today I read the New York Times magazine front to back. As you probably know, I love this magazine. I just have to put in links to a couple of the best articles...
What is a living wage?
"Is how much you pay a worker a moral issue? Some in the Democratic establishment have come to believe that the left, after years of electoral frustration, has finally found in hourly wages its ultimate moral-values issue. 'This is what moves people to the polls now,' one living-wage advocate says. 'This is our gay marriage.' "
The pressure to cover
"Discrimination used to take aim at entire social groups. Now it is directed at the members of those groups who refuse to assimilate to the mainstream."
Generation Pad Thai
On a lighter note, I thought this was hilarious.


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