The Wedding!
We just got back from Arizona for my Auntie Shelly and Dave's wedding. It was almost like a family reunion since so many people were there. It was a really pretty wedding, even prettier than I expected, since everything came together nicely and all the kids (my cousins) were in it with huge cute. We got there Friday in time to stop by the house (which was PACKED) before the rehearsal dinner, then went there and talked to about a million people, then had a midnight-sauna and went to bed. The next day was busy since everything that had been left to the last minute had to be taken care of. Mama, A Uusi and I were in charge of the programs at Kinko's and thank g-d that A. Uusi has good secretarial skills because I never would have been able to figure out all the paper types and margin alignments and so on. After the wedding at 4, we decorated Shelly and Dave's car while in the church the poor photographer tried to get wedding pictures with 5 kids and a baby running in and out of his dumb poses! That night there was a wedding party at the Sheriff's Posse building with tons and tons of jazz (Dave is a jazz musician and carpenter). A fat lady with enormous red hair sang the best blues that I've ever heard, and Dave, Shelly, Lea and Naomi played a family jazz number. Even Lea and Naomi had solos and they did a great job!

Natalie and Lea getting their hair done at the house.

My dad and Auntie Lisa talking while Natalie models her curls (she was the flower girl)

Auntie Uusi, Dave, Auntie Shelly, my mom, me, my dad, G'ma. The beautiful stained glass was one of the reasons Auntie Shelly chose this church for the wedding.

(Most of) the Tanttila side: Auntie Uusi, my mom, Dave, Auntie Shelly, Auntie Lisa, Uncle Loren, Lorena, Uncle Reino, Naomi, Natalie, Caleb

Naomi and Lea as bridesmaids...they looked so beautiful!

Naomi, Lea, and Sukha

Naomi and Auntie Shelly at the wedding party...hard to say who has a bigger smile!

My mom, G'ma, and Grandma Pat

Me, Chand, and Sukha at the house the day after the wedding.

Natalie and Lea getting their hair done at the house.

My dad and Auntie Lisa talking while Natalie models her curls (she was the flower girl)

Auntie Uusi, Dave, Auntie Shelly, my mom, me, my dad, G'ma. The beautiful stained glass was one of the reasons Auntie Shelly chose this church for the wedding.

(Most of) the Tanttila side: Auntie Uusi, my mom, Dave, Auntie Shelly, Auntie Lisa, Uncle Loren, Lorena, Uncle Reino, Naomi, Natalie, Caleb

Naomi and Lea as bridesmaids...they looked so beautiful!

Naomi, Lea, and Sukha

Naomi and Auntie Shelly at the wedding party...hard to say who has a bigger smile!

My mom, G'ma, and Grandma Pat

Me, Chand, and Sukha at the house the day after the wedding.
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