Half Way
I've been dreaming in Spanish every night...I love that!
Things I like about being here:
-being a university student in a CITY!
-meeting so many new people
-the amazing food, like empanadas, guisos, quiches, "ensalada chilena" with raw tomatoes and onions
-the anonymous, slightly lonely, but very exciting feeling of wandering around a strange city on your own
-Chilean soap operas
-walking by three blocks worth of fruit and flowers vendors on the way to school
-being able to buy avocados for about 20 cents each
-pretty Chilean people who always seem to look sharp...Americans are such slobs!
- exciting bus rides that make you wonder why anyone would bother with amusement parks when you could just get share of thrill and near-death-experiences by paying 15 cents and taking a Chilean "micro."
-the huge window in my room which bring me both morning sunshine and an amazing view of the city lights at night.
-the sweets, of course. Like manjar (dulce de leche), the hot chocolate my host mom makes, and the little cakes called "mil hojas"
-the Chilean custom of kissing people on the cheek as a greeting
-the hills, the ocean, the incredibly run down but beautiful victorian buildings.
Things I miss about the US
-being in closer contact with everyone I care about there!!! I miss you all sooooooooo much.
-the cats
-being able to have a cold glass of milk and some dark chocolate...neither exist here (the milk is from powder)
-thai food. More specifically, thai yellow curry with tofu and vegetables.
-playing the harp! This always seemed like a pain at Grinnell. Especially in the winter, when I've have to go out in the cold to Buckbaum to practice. But that sounds pretty good long about now.
-coming home after a long day to people to talk to
-when I'm at Grinnell, being able to go partying without worrying about how I'm going to get all the way home by public transportation in the middle of the night
-long hot showers and being able to flush toilet paper down the toilet
-at Grinnell, being able to just walk down the street to see friends. Or if you haven't heard from someone for a while, being able to go see them and catch up. This emailing game gets old.
-not thinking so much about how much things, and especially food, costs. Opening the fridge to find it packed with good things to eat.
-the pleasure and unbelievable ease of communicating in English