Dominican Republic -- Dajabón Market
On our last day, we went to Dajabón Market and crossed the border into Haiti. It made a big impact on me having worked for the past week with Haitian immigrants and seeing their living conditions and tremendous poverty. Dajabón market is right along the Haitian border, which is marked by Massacre River. (In 1937, Trujillo ordered all Haitians removed the Dominican side of Hispaniola, and then had them murdered in the river crossing back over; about 20,000 Haitians died). When the market opens on Fridays, Haitians run across the bridge with wheelbarrows and horsecarts that they fill with supplies and run back into Haiti. It's an amazing and extremely stressful thing to see. I didn't take many pictures because I was worried about my camera. However, it was amazing just to see all of the activity and take everything in.
Río Masacre. Haiti is on the left, and the Dominican Republic is on the right.
On the bridge over Massacre River.
Dajabón Market from the bridge.

Closer view of Dajabón market. Three men push a horse cart full of onions back to Haiti. A girl sells soda. A man carries a wheelbarrow because there isnt enough room to push it. A boy carries four plastic containers of cheap electronics on his head.