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Thursday, March 09, 2006

Thursday morning

I'm now three-quarters of the way through War and Peace and it is amazing! At the beginning I may have had my doubts about the "War" sections, but now I am totally into it. Since Robyn and I are in the same class, we constantly always talk about the new plot developments. Russ complains that he always thinks we're talking about actual gossip, and then as soon as he hears that the person who cheated on her fiancé with one man and now has fallen in love with his best friend is Natasha Rostova, he realizes that we are gossiping about a book written in Russia 150 years ago! About that, though, I can't believe what happened with Natasha and Andrew...they were so perfect for each other! I think the problem with how I've been reading War and Peace was that early on I got attached to certain characters (like Lise Bolkonskaya, Andrei, and Sonya) and now Tolstoy seems to either be killing them off or having enormous misfortunes befall them (though I suppose this happens to everyone) so it becomes heartbreaking (in a good way) to read!!! Now I finally see that Pierre and Natasha are supposed to be the main characters, but I don't like either of them very much! I want my beloved secondary characters to make a comeback...

Life here is busy. I'm happy when I'm busy though, so that's ok. Yesterday I had class from 9-5:30, then had dinner with Kat and her friends from the UP (who are really funny and cool), and then had to go back to ARH to watch a Soviet film called "Bed and Sofa." At night there was a huge electric storm with rain, hail, and a flash of lightening literally about every 10 seconds. I was completely in awe but my friend Melissa from FL didn't seem to think anything of it...we don't really get electric storms in CA so I still think they're really cool!

Yesterday was International Women's day so the Russian department bought all of us girl majors cute : )

Grinnell keeps sending me invitations encouraging me to apply for scholarships, then I spend the time applying, but I never get them. Its just kind of discouraging. Its never enough just to get good grades, play and instrument, work, and volunteer. They always choose people who have really difficult sounding double majors, run like 5 clubs, and probably never sleep or have time to see their friends.

I talked to Christián for a long time online last night, which was really fun. He said he's stopped the night job at the navy since classes start pretty soon. Since we're each other's love life advisors, I had to report everything to him and then he finally admitted to me that "La Bruja" was indeed a "mala mujer," as Erika and I had been saying for months. He said he's "soltero, pero no me faltan mujeres". Jaja! Oh, Christián : D


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spy Girl is back in commission, after 2 weeks to the day off!! :D But here you have given me a glance into the crystal ball......oh, no....Pierre and NATASHA???!? Don't tell me any more :) And you LIKED Lise?? Boy, I never did. But I'm still hoping (or, at least I WAS) for a reconciliation btw Andrei and N as he is still my fave, too. Off to read. Spy Girl

10:17 AM  
Blogger Julia said...

Just wait until you get to the ending...SUCH A LET-DOWN!!!!!!! Arghghgh.

And I love how we are reading the same book at the same time just so we can endlessly gossip abt it : D

6:45 PM  

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