Last day in Pucon

Kristin and I hiking to some waterfalls. After climbing Volcán Villarica, going swimming, going out to eat, and partying until 4:30 in the morning the day before, I was dragging. Overall, Pucón was not good for getting sleep. I got maybe 7 hours over the past two nights and I'm trying not to fall asleep as I write this!

Me alongside the river. Apparently its supposed to be good luck if you dunk your head into this particular river. Some people in the program did, but I was definitely not one of them. Getting soaked in snowmelt sounds like an adventurous but not very pleasant way to start the day.

It was so green and lush along the river. There were ferns growing everywhere, and Daddy would have loved it.

We went with the entire program to some hotsprings in the mountains outside of Pucón. Here you can see down into the little river valley where the "termas" are. It was absolutely gorgeous, with wildflowers growing everywhere, little rock pools of different temperatures, and the river to cool off in.

One of many swimming holes. The hot water felt really good on my sore muscles.

Las chicas. Me, Mariah, Jessica, Carla, Kristin.

Cooling off in the river.
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