Me at Chateau Dubuc, the ruins of an old french plantation. Apparently, the owner used bad light signals to lure ships close in. When they crashed on the rocks, he moved in for the spoils.

Max by a Manchineel tree. They're marked by a red line around the trunk. They look pretty normal and have these little green apples. In Spanish they call them "Little green apples of death." Manzanilla de la muerte. If you touch anything with the sap on it, it causes terrible burns and sores. Apparently, the Carib indians used to dip their arrows in Manchineel during times of war.

Jardin Balata. It wasn't that great, I didn't think. They said it was really hurt by a recent hurricane and wasn't as nice as it used to be.

This was my favorite place in Martinique, Jardin Anse Latouche. Another old plantation. I liked all the lush foliage in such a desert setting. In some place, you could see ponds with water lilies surrounded by cacti.

More Anse Latouche. Around here was where the fire ants got me :(

Musée de la Pagerie, birthplace of Josephine, who went on to marry Napoleon and become Empress of France.
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