Beginning of November

Its truly fall now, which is beautiful. I was afraid for awhile we were going to go straight from summer to winter.
We've all submitted our Russian visa applications, so it looks like this internship trip is actually happening. I've been checking the weather in Moscow every day. Its no colder than it is here, so far.
I applied for a bunch of jobs through an online program called the Consortium, which is for employers that want to hire graduates of the best liberal arts colleges, right out of college. Its a pretty great opportunity, since I have this amazing education but little practical experience, and these employers recognize that and don't mind. Anyways, I have three interviews so far. The first one is in New York City, the second in Washington, DC, and the third in Philadelphia. I'm excited. So Lee Anne and I will be making a quick trip to the East coast in January.
Now matter how hard I try, I can't seem to get rid of this cold. I've had it for a week, and every day I wake up thinking, today will be the day that I have that breakthrough moment of energy and return to healthiness. Still feel awful though, and haven't left the house for any reason other than class or work for what feels like a long time. Being sick really does a number to your social life. Oh well, at least I live with most of my good friends.
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