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Location: San Francisco, CA

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Martinique Music Festival

As we walked around Fort-de-France on Sunday, we were amazed at how many people came up to us to tell us about the music festival that night. Everyone was very excited and wanted to make sure we knew about it. The festival itself was small but very interesting. Almost all of Fort-de-France was out lining the streets.

This group was from the neighboring island of Guadeloupe. I loved their costumes.

Large papier-mache lady supposed to represent Martinique. Her backside was obscenely huge.

This was a Martiniquian dance group. Their shirts are honoring Aimée Césaire, leader of the Négritude, or Black pride movement. As I understood it, he was instrumental in transitioning Martinique from a French colony to a French départament d'outre mer, in which Martiniquains would have equal rights and be full citizens.

The last group was sort of techo. We watched them from the balcony of our hotel room, which was pretty cool. Then we went out for crepes.


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