Tango, San Telmo, Ferias

Our day starts out looking for tango shoes for Jessica and Mariah, who are taking a tango class here in Valparaíso. Where did we go to look for them? To "Tango-shoe-street," of course! Yes, there really is such a street in Buenos Aires.

We got to see shoes like these being made. Its a very painstaking process, with a beautiful final product.

The fair at San Telmo. Vendors were selling colored bottles, antiques, silver utensils, and vintage jewelry.

Tango in the plaza at San Telmo

Kristin and I found this cool Russian Orthodox church near San Telmo. Unfortunately it was closed so we couldnt' go in.

This picture is of a leather stand at the Feria de los Mataderos on the outskirts of Buenos Aires. Argentina is the king of cows, beef, and leather. I couldn't appreciate the beef (though Carla and Mariah said it was excellent), but I did enjoy seeing all the leather things. Usually I think leather is kind of tacky but the artisans here had really beautiful things. After searching long and hard I settled on a small, red, worked-leather purse.
Did you know that Mikko, the suomalainen tango opettaja is in my class this year? I told him all about your discovery of the tangoshoestreet and all the beautiful shoes today--and about the pictures of people tangoing in the plaza. He thought it was pretty cool :) Spy Girl
Mielenkiintoinen! Onko hän suomalainen tai amerikan-synttynyt suomalainen? Se olisi hauska nähdä/käydä hänen tango luokka!
I wonder how Finnish tango is different from Argentinian tango...?
P.S. do you remember the great tango scene in that one finnish movie? was it Mies Vailla Menneisyyttä?
You DID go to his tango class, remember, last Christmas in the Finnish Brotherhood Hall?!? I laugh thinking of it :D No, I don't remember that scene. I don't, in fact, remember that whole movie very well. I'll have to ask Sirpa if she has it. Maybe F tango is just done to accordian tango musiikki :)
Oh yeah, I forgot about that! Hahhaha...that was a DISASTER. I remember how funny Sirpa looked trying to do the steps!
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